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New project! Terrarium supply shopping

I've always loved the way terrariums look. I think it's such a neat combination of art and nature, two of my favorite things. A few weeks ago, I went over to my aunt's house and noticed she had a new piece of decor... a giant pear-shaped "vase" filled with soil, moss, tropical plants, and little ornaments (she had fairies and a lady bug, chairs, etc.) She told me that it was her first attempt at a terrarium!  was so excited; I immediately wanted to make one of my own.

We made a date to go to her favorite garden store, Buchanan's in the Houston Heights. She needed to pick up some supplies for her next terrarium and I tagged along to get what I needed for my first one.
Buchanan's is a big, wonderful garden center. There are three "sections" of the store, if you will, one completely outdoors, one indoor conservatory-type thing, and a small shop indoors where you will find a vast array of plants, succulents, flowers, soil, garden accessories, etc. 

I walked around in awe trying to think of a concept for my terrarium. I gravitated towards a section of tropical plants and picked five or six of my favorites, trying to choose ones that were pretty and complimented each other. 

These were the plants I decided on. Unfortunately, I don't know what they're called. But they were all in the "tropical plants" section and all cost less than $5. You'll see in the back left corner of my tray I also picked up some cute little heart-shaped Valentine's cacti...

Such a cute, inexpensive and unique Valentine's gift. 
And look at these two little lovebirds...

If you enjoyed this post and you're in the Houston area, check out:

611 E. 11th Street
Houston, TX 77008

Check back soon for my next post where I'll show you my first terrarium featuring the plants pictured above. If you have made a terrarium of your own or want to show off your green thumby skills, feel free to leave a comment and show me what you've got!

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